Well here goes. My Brother "Tedbear" as everyone calls him is no longer with us. My husband and I picked him up at the airport last Sunday to spend a week of Christmas with the family. We surprised my mom and dad on Monday by putting him in a big box. The whole family was there. It was the first time in years!!! My neice and her husband which very few of us have met came in also from California (Ted was from CA too). Ted spent the day with me while we got ready for dinner on Monday. It was wonderful!! And dinner was great. Tuesday he went out to eat with my parents, went back to my brothers, but then got a ride back to the bar.
Now my brother has fought for years by polar disease and manic depression disease. In order for him to cope it seemed he also was an alcoholic. Unfortunately around midnight on Tuesday he took his own life at my other brothers house. My father found him on Wed Dec 16. It has been very devistating to say the least.
Ted was so well loved and had more friends then anyone I have ever known. He loved to play softball and was a generous person. We all loved him so very much! I just can't believe he is gone. Rest in peace Tedbear.